Abolished the use of arrays in breakgroups, as suggested by AgentY DDS texture files, reducing the file size by ~23% Front wheels are harder to break off/bend

Slightly increased power reduction strength of the rectrictor plate at higher RPMs (reduced top speed) Reduced power reduction strength of the restrictor plate at lower RPMs (to lower the chance of stalling) Blowovers do not require the extremely high downforce values anymore, contributing to the reduction of the "self-correction" force Reduced "self-correction" force when attempting to spin out, making it less difficult to spin out Adjusted tire grip levels (reduced it to realistic levels) Strengthened hood flap tethers, now they will not fall off in every single crash. Adjusted body panel connections (especially in the rear) to improve part separation Decreased rollcage strength in the front and rear, to allow more deformation Made the body easier to deform, it is less "bouncy"

Added an additional modification having the license plate slot, just for the AgentY Global Values Tuning mod. Release 1.2 has arrived! This release adds a couple features, fixes more issues, and most importantly, it brings so many improvements and major adjustments to the JBeam!