It is not impossible nowadays to be aware of the jhanga inherent in Bangla prose. Many have written useful Bangla prose and many are still writing it today. In which they do not say like that, but only say, a( অ) it is necessary to give advice like that. It is seen almost everywhere, boys says vowel a( স্বরের অ)( ɔ), vowel ā( স্বরের আ), in these two letter places. In the preface of the sixth edition of the first part he writes for teachers:. Vidyasagar has given guidance on varnayojana in both parts of Barnaparichay. He has also written several suggestions for teachers on teaching. He was a pioneer of modern teacher-education.
Small sentences, pictures as well as rhythm.
The 20 lessons in this book can be called the beginning of Bengali children's literature. The special identity of his reforming mind is found in the abundance of his use of punctuation marks. (When Gopal goes to read, he does not play on the way goes to the classroom before everyone else goes to class and sits in her seat Sitting in your seat, opening the book and reading When Guru Mahashay (Teacher) gives a new reading, he listens with his mind.). An example can be drawn from the text number 19 of Barnaprichay:. Vidyasagar's use of punctuation in these fluent prose is noteworthy. The awareness and application of punctuation in Bengali prose has not been seen before. Thus Vidyasagar paved the way for simple and modern Bengali prose for all educated Bengalis. Here we see that instead of memorizing the previously unintelligible syllables, the child is learning familiar words and becoming familiar with fluent Bengali prose writing. Then there are small short prose compositions in easy to understand short sentences. Here first the child learns the letters in alphabetical order, learns small words by mouth with the letters, then a test of letter recognition, then the beginning of learning to spell by adding letters and letters. The text has been written in simple and short sentences suitable for children. The pronunciation of second " ব"in Bengali is same as first one but is repeated for second time. Now it's only used for Sanskrit transliteration of ऌ. Now colorised versions of book are also available. But Barnaparichay is still used as a first primer book to teach Bengali to kids in Bengal. But now, in this world of Globalisation,this book doesn't have any value. English book written by Paricharan was popular in Bengal for long time.